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Lesley McLain


I've been a part of the team at BodyWorks since 2013. I'm originally from Michigan and relocated to Klamath Falls. Since my move, my husband and I have had two beautiful children. We love all of the opportunities for our children and all of the outdoor activities around Klamath Falls. I'm glad to have found BodyWorks and work with such a great team!




University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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